Flavours of Fingal 2023

The Brief
To develop a tailored PR plan to launch the line-up for Flavours of Fingal 2023 with a particular focus on new attractions, sustainable transport options and local food provenance.

What we did
This year, we had to compete with a record number of summer events planned in the capital. Working with the client Fingal County Council and the lead marketing agency Ripple, we advised on strategy to ensure the festival would cut through the noise. A creative photo-op with performers from the Broken Theatre Company, Dublin’s Coast & Fields food producers and local kids along with an advance pitch on the festival’s support for local businesses and food producers helped to capture the attention of select media. Important messaging including free entry, schedule of activities, transport options and a link back to the dedicated website were highlighted throughout.

What we achieved
21 separate pieces of positive coverage across national, local, online and broadcast media was achieved with a combined print and online reach of 13,954,534 million. Coverage included Dublin Gazette, 98FM, Sunday World magazine, Independent.ie, Lovin Dublin, Dublin Live and picture of the day in the Herald.